Welcome to my garden
Thread Topic: Welcome to my garden
that’s not English -
Just now doing stuffs
1 Peter 4:8:
Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. -
Laughing my ass of
This is great
I'm so upset rn. I keep f---ing up my thread and I didn't even finish the first page.
1. A link I posted for a picture led to more provocative art and not the picture I originally viewed.
2. I posted in my depressed account.
3. An ad attached itself to the last picture I posted.
I just want to rip apart my new thread and cry in the middle of the floor. -
Raiden, BTW. Also Samus Aran.
Aw man I’m sorry
You could always make yet another one and have that one deleted ?
D: -
I guess so.
Ugh I wish we could like edit threads. The ones we make of course -
That would be nice.
I don't think I feel motivated to put effort into a creative, upbeat thread, but I currently don't have a thread that fits my current feelings. -
Anything I can do to help ?
I don't think so. It's just been one of those days.
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