Welcome to my garden
Thread Topic: Welcome to my garden
I’m not all that popular lol
I wanna be popular enough where A my threads don’t die - lmfao -
DAV is cool 🕶👌
Yes but I’d say you’re pretty popular, even if sometimes your threads might die u-u -
Thanks. It’s on my list of preferred names and I love it so much 😎😎
Plus I’d like to have more friends not just acquaintances and meaningful friendships and all that jazz and I’d like to not be alone in my thread so much but I think I’m asking for too much LOL. This is the only place people talk to me so I lonely😠-
today isn’t gonna be a good day
I’ll make sure to use it more often 👀
Nono, if you want more friends then friends you shall have. u-u
Lemme see what I can do
How come? -
She only cuddles up in here when I’m starting to feel bad I’m noticing -
The cat? -
Yes -
This woman 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Wow that’s depressing as s---
Out of all the things-
So cold wtf
Winter can be a b----
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