nobody believes me! D;
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:14pm
Thread Topic: nobody believes me! D;
*hugs back* Don't let him take you run away!
don't fcking hurt him just kick out your leg and the throw out your hand, flail like s--- until he backs away and then fcken run.
whats his full name?? -
Exactly whats his name and where do you live?
*cries holding Ell* they'll put me back in the mental hospital! say i ran from home and i'm on drugs.
slim- he had his last name changed resently and i can't remember it! -
get in the car wen he gets in get some wepond or something get out if he gets close hit him w/ it and kep on doing it and run like fuk
Dammit wtf. Swimmer if he tries raping you you HAVE to smash your knee up into his balls as hard as you can again and again.
they can do a test to determine if your mentally impaired or on narcotics. if they do put you in the hospital you can demand that test regardless of age.
you have GOT to get away from him, go to the cops.
i gtg, this is very important swimmy, you have GOT to get the cops in on this -
i'm so scared! i can't breath. i have to go now. *cries* thanks anyways guys.
lol ellis
Do what we said swimmer!
holy fuk swimmer good luck on fuking up the ass wipe
i-i'll try. love you guys. *hugs you all*
*Hugs swimmer tight* Don't let him hurt you at all!!
*hugs back*
he's more than likely going to take my phone the second he see's i have it. i hate him so much right now!
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