What are your first second and third favorite ceral types?
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:14pm
Thread Topic: What are your first second and third favorite ceral types?
U AR AWESOMELY...........gay hurray -
I'm suuper! Thanx for askin! I couldn't be better any other day! I'm suuper! Nothin bugs me! Oh, and don't you think I look cute in this hat??
Sorry, a song from Big Gay Al XD -
Shut your fuking face uncle fuker.
It comes from ground up cow bones and it hides tons of things from starbursts, skittles, and gummy worms to jalapano fiesta dip. Also watch out for donuts, gavy mixes coconut snow ball things and tons of other stuff cause they also have either chicken fat or gelatin or beef fat in them so watch out and pick only stuff you can read the ingredients on. My mother has gone and tried to make mashed patatoes and gravy with stuff and I have to show her how there is actually animal in it.
Oh my f---ing God Ellis. I literally turned green reading that D:
advantage for having a vegetarian as a best friend LOL
Ya just watch out cause I when I first started didn't think about it and ate some skittles and some of those awesome coconut mini donuts now with the donuts the different brand make them differently so some are safe you just gotta read. But with skittles and all that chewy candy you can be pretty certain has gelatin. And lol some jello actually doesn't have it.
lol Okay I'll start reading the labels. That's disgusting though. Animal has to be in just about everything, huh?
You'd freaking think so but no they can make it without animals just fine, I really don't know why they do.
Hm. I'll really have to read up more on this. My parents taught me that the gelatin was an additive that caused ulsers. I thought it was just like a chemical or something. Not bones. *Shiver*
Oh s--- forgot to mention most marshmellows also come from gelatin that means no rice crispy treats either and some types of ice cream or hot chocolate have marshmellows in them too.
Apple Jacks, Fruit Roll Ups, Cin. Toast Crunch
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