YAY!!!! ICEE LAND!!!!!!
- Locked by Carri04 on May 24, '20 11:39pmReason: To preserve the thread, spam free.
Thread Topic: YAY!!!! ICEE LAND!!!!!!
*grabs the pencil and sharpens it*
*repeatedly pokes myself with the sharp end* -
Hey! No! *grabs it from you* *breaks it in half* *pokes you with the eraser again*
I'll stop. *stops poking* So how's life? Did you figure out what your dog wanted from you?
Nope. XD
For whatever reason, all the pages in my thread were completely blank until I clicked on the first page. That was weird. ._. -
This is an important poll. An extremely important poll. Trust me.
That is weird. XD Nice important poll. Snowman.
I can't decide!
I will destroy all the snowmen.
XD Destroy mine first!
I will. The movie Frozen makes me want to incinerate all the snowmen in the world, including yours.
Do it! *builds snowman* Destroy it!
*grabs flamethrower* Of course I will use this on anyone who tries to stop me. Yes, this is going to be fun.
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