ICEE CHILL's Profile


Joined on Jan 24, 2013
Status Level: Expert

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ICEE CHILL's Recent Posts

  • Welcome to my garden
    "I've been great! Just living life and whatever, you know? I'm about to get some sleep because I'm so damn tired. Have a good night. ..."
  • "Welcome, you beautiful newbies. So glad you could make it to this amazing site. I have absolutely no idea what's new on here in the past few..."
  • Welcome to my garden
    "Some people are just jerks. I used to have a "best friend" for a few years who would do nothing but cause drama everywhere she went. I used ..."
  • "So what are you doing right now? Questioning all your life choices? Thinking about smoking some raisins? Don't do it, that crap "
  • br0wnie
    "Wow, is it really you? Good to see you here after so long. Hope you're doing well. :)"
  • The Bug Thread
    "I apologize if there's a more recent thread for this, one of the pinned posts said that this was the thread for bugs. I've been here for a w..."
  • "I've been doing great! I'm still figuring out my life and stuff. But who isn't? It's awesome to see all you guys again! We had a lot o"
  • "Hey, aren't cargo shorts great? You can fit just about anything you want them as long as they're big enough. A book, a water bottle, maybe e..."
  • "@alex3000 Nice! I just finished watching Squid Game. I don't know why, but it made me want to laugh a lot. I'm 99% sure it's not supposed to..."
  • "Hell yeah, I remember all you guys! @Br0wnieBunny Nice. What's your favorite Chinese food? I always love getting orange chicken. I hop"
  • "Heyyy, Brownie Bunny! How the fudge are you?! I'm just looking at the sky right now. Skies sure are pretty."
  • "Hey there! I can't even remember the last time I checked these forums. He based his gamertag off my name? Well, I'm flattered. :)"
  • "Hey, I'm ICEE CHILL. It's been a while since I've been here. ;) I'm 23 and I love Splatoon. Splatoon makes me so excited that I feel l"
  • "Yeah, lying is always an option. ALWAYS, no matter the situation. That's a top notch life pro tip right there, don't you forget it! Get out ..."
  • "Dr Pepper is really tasty. Seriously, if you don't agree with me I'll find where you live and flood your entire house with Dr Pepper while y..."

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