Almost a new year in the US
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:23pm
Thread Topic: Almost a new year in the US
Ack!! b----!!!*shoves snow in reses face*
Oh I know that, I was just kinda wondering why...
@Izzy *shoves your face in a lake*
I just love ramen okay geez.
*flips rese over me and throws her into the lake and freezes it over* payback!!
@Izzy cold hearted bitch -.-
Not really I would say Heartless.
@Izzy you suck xxP
You suck worse rese.
@Izzy . . . Whatever.
@Izzy \(-.-)/ yo safo. Yo fucking safo
*cries more*
*cries and sits in corner* Realmente chupar como persona. Jill y Heph tienen razon. Yo deberia suicidarme
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