2025 music thread yay
Thread Topic: 2025 music thread yay
very aggressive short beat i made today
i MAY finish. later. probably not though lol -
another super short thingy i made this morning. i don’t like it though D: it feels too repetitive
here’s a song i started to make sometime in 2024 WITH vocals, i wanted to finish it cud i actually liked it but i never got around to it oof :((
i made an animation back in july to go with it though -
incredibly edgy beat i cooked and burned the house down with sometime in 2024, MAYBE 2023, more than likely early in the year
i hate it 💀 -
started on another beat in october-november-ish 2024, was gonna add vocals but never finished ^_^
no words 🤢
okay actually i have a LOT of words. beat? 😍 vocals? 👹 ASHKJSHHIUSHIUSGKUYSIUGYS I LEFT IT ON THE FIRST DRAFT I HATE IT 💀😭😭 -
this is OK but it could be better. i left it on the first draft, plenty of things out of sync
also DAMN i must have had a cold or something to go that deep that day
i tried, not the biggest fans of the vocals tho, nor the tune 😕 -
all scales start and end on the same note. it’s called the tonic. the tonic’s the focus for the melody and the harmony
W (whole step, aka 1 step up)
H (half step, aka half a step up)
major scales are happy scales! :D
they follow this pattern: WWHWWWH
ex. for a c major scale, it would start on C, take a whole step up, another whole step up, a half step up, three more whole steps, then it ends on C again because C’s just a half step up
here’s what i mean:
C major scale
C# major scale
G major scale
i was starting on another song :D
i’d call it honeydew
and this was likely 3-ish months ago, maybe 4, i loved the tune but i never added instruments. it also sounds super choppy cud i switched mics mid-song 😭
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