iM Making My Version Of "The Hunger Games" On GoToQuiz.Com
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:19pm
Thread Topic: iM Making My Version Of "The Hunger Games" On GoToQuiz.Com
IcyAngel NewbieOk So iM Makinq MY Version Of "The Hunger Games" On GoToQuiz.Com &&' i Need Help. This iS A Summary Of What i Got So Far; Katniss uS On The Bed, Braiding Primrose's Hair When Prim Brings Up The Subject Of The Hunger Games. Prim Says She'll Die For Sure, So Katniss Takes Prim To Dradeen, A Forest On The Edge Of The Seam. She Tries To Train Prim To Be A Good Hunter, But She Fails Big Time. When A Boy (Katniss Doesn't Know His Name Yet, But iT iS Gale) Sees Them Training, He Helps Them. He Shoots Two Birds Mating iN Their Heads With An Arrow-Head &&' Quotes, "Practice Makes Perfect." Then Runs Off.
Thats All i Got So Far, Next i Wabt Katniss To Go To The Bakery &&' Somehow Meet Peeta. &&' Other Things, Any ideas? Thankss, (: -
Whoa. Dude.
I suggest not typing with extra caps everywhere. It looks like you have to try harder to type. -
yea the caps thing.
MrsMellark NovicePlease make this! I would love to read it :) Just don't use the capitals xD anyway yeah make this it sounds good! I think someone should make a hunger games love story cuz theres all these 'paranormal love' and 'teenage chronicles' (which are awesome :3) but I'd like a hunger games one. I look forward to this one :)
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