Dog man movie
Thread Topic: Dog man movie
The animation is serviceable, so is the humor. I'm just really disappointed because the books actually have depth and they changed some things that made me really mad. the character development and climax was awful. the voices were awful, and yes, I know the movie is for kids, but so was the captain underpants movie and the everything from the soundtrack to the voice acting to the story line and character development were all amazing. I guess I'm just disappointed because it feels like they just rushed something onto the screen and a lot of the movie is just random filler that was unneeded. they also changed how chief was in love with nurse lady to be in love with Sarah, the reporter.
the only w is that they gave Sarah an ever so slight australian accent, because in the books she states shes Australian. also where TF was her dog that made me so sad- -
Huh that actually surprises me. The trailer was a lie ðŸ˜
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