People gave me three ideas for a title for my story
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:13pm
Thread Topic: People gave me three ideas for a title for my story
Bloody Roses
The Sercret of the Sister
Our Little Rose
Which one? You have to go to the thread "Im thinking about writing a book but..." to see the plot. -
Kattel Rose, it means "Killer Rose" in Arabic.
Good idea. So now we have four. People can still give me ideas1
I dunno what else.
haha, go look at my post in your other thread XD
Wow VaMp...
My Ratings For the Titles
Bloody Rose-9
The Secret of the Sister-8
Our Little Rose-8
Kattel Rose-10 -
I like 'our little rose'
I got it! Im going to with Kattal Rose but Im going to make sequeals to it. So I'll use these ideas for the sequeals,kay?
Secound book-Our Little Rose
Third book-Bloody Roses
Last book-The Secret of the Sister -
Thanks for using my one.
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