Desteny's omen
- Locked due to inactivity on Oct 6, '21 3:54am
Thread Topic: Desteny's omen
Original here: https:// anim= ltozsxkp
Pasting this might take me while, and i mght go AFK suddenly
🌟Desteny's omen🌟
It was sed that a kit will be born, the kit will have a power, but will be cursed whit an omen, and the kit will be linked to an animall, and when that animalls blood flows the kits blood will flow as well...
Years after that was spoken, a female gray cat Silver gave birth to three kits, but one had black dragon wings, and a pretty big tail, she stopd out a lot from her sibling because of that, but Silver decited to still not abonden her kit, and she names her Desteny. Her two sisters ware named Ellia and Breeze. Ellia had realy dence fur and was a yellow cat whit purple tuger stripes. Breeze was a light blue and pastel yellow tabby. Desteny was orange and had blue ears, beside her odd dragon wings Desteny also had a little weird purrple stripe on her forhead which had a fur puff on it.
Desteny got along well whit her siblings, but not so good whit other cats. However she was allright untill one day.
-Aaahhh! H-huh I-I have a cut on my neck?! Mom!!!-Desteny screamed Terrifiedly
-Yes hone-My GOD! Shouted Silver-What had happend to you?!
-I-i dont know mommy!-Answerd Desteny.
Silver emideatly took Desteny to the medicine cat. The medicine cat was Flame, she was a bright red and orange tabby whit light green eyes and a pink flower in her hair.
Flame checked Desteny up and told Silver...
-Silver, Desteny will heal, but this will keep on happening, brcause she us the kit whit the omen. -Meowed softly Flame
Silver stopd ahocked staring at Desteny and Flame.
-Mom, whats wrong? Pured Desteny
-N-nothing, honey go to your sister, I need to talk whil Flame. -Replied Silver
-Oki!-Sed Desteny as she realised her injury allready heald and jumped off to her sisters.
-Flame what do you know about the omen? -Asked Silver
-The kit that carries the omen will stick out, and have powers ,but will be linked to a nother animall, so when its blood flows the kits blood will also flow. The omen will get worse if the kit uses the powers for evil, but if once the kit meats the animall She is linked to and risks herself for the animall the omen will be broken.-Answerd Flame
-So what now? -Asked Silver-Desteny wont be safw hit us?
-She wont, i know this is a hard blow for you, but she needs to know the wild as she know her own personalitie.
-Flame can i ask you something?
-Since you are a healer, and you live in the wild can you care for Desteny?-Sadly asked Silver trough tears
-Promise you will take care of her!
-I will!-Gently replied Flame
Sliver got out the medicine cat den as called for Desteny to come.
-Desteny! I need to speak whit you!
-Yes momy?
-I will miss you honey, but this us for your own good, you will have to live whit Flame.-Sed Silver trough tears
-But-b-but, oh, okay momy, i will miss you too, and i will miss dad and Ellia and Breeze.-Cried Desteny
-I know, i know, now go to Flame...
-Momy will you visit us?
-I promise!
-Okay, bye mommy!
Desteny ran twords Flame.
Later that evening Flame and Desteny prepeared to go to Flame's home. -Where are we going?-Asked Desteny
-My home. -Meowed Fmale-Its in the forest.
-Oh, ok...
It was a fev weeks that passes since Desteny starded to live whit Flame. And once while leapimg trough the forest Desteny cut her self whe she jumped into a pond. The cut was on her hind left get, and it was X shaped, but Desteny didnt relay bleed much, it was a few drops of blood. Desteny was confuesed si she ran to Flame.
-Flame! Flame!
-What's wrong, did you found that rare flower?
-No! I cut my self but Im not bleeding! And im not healing!
-Ok, dont worry, let me just go check for something...-Replied Flame
But since Desteny coulden sit still she looked for a book on strange injuries and magic.
And she starded scrolling trough Flame mine home "Library" and found one book.
Desteny opend it and searched for something alike her injury. And once she opend the book a golden gloon starded to appear on Desteny's injury, and a fev sparks as well. There ware yellow swirls appearing, it seamed like it was Healing. Desteny gasped when all ifa suddon she heard a wolf howl as hs eput her paw on the book. And saw something alike a flash back, she saw a brown and ginger she-wolf whit neon green eyes putting her paw on a book, and the wolf had the smae injury on her leg and the same gloom around her. Destney opend her eyes widly just to notice that the gloom turned into a golden mist that was surrounding her and her hair starded to float as a folf like golden drawing apoeared infront of Desteny's face. Desteny didnt see the wolf brawing but she saw her wings turning white. Then she heardd Flame comming down the stair and she slamed the book shut and putted it under a desk and at that momen all the mist dissapeared.
Desteny leaped on the place where she was sitting and sed:
-See i wa here all the time!
-Yes i see, and i see your injury healed as well. -Sed Flame whit a soft gigling voice.
Months later it was Desteny's birthday. She was turining twelve. Siver came over whit Ellia and Breeze. They went outside and Played for a while. And then desteny heard a wolf call and was that same wolf again like it was staring at her. Desteny gasepd and shoog her head.
-Is everything allright sis?-Sked Ellia
-Yeah i just tought i saw something...-Sed Desten suspiciously.
-Oki! -Giggked Breeze as she reminde her sisters-Come one we cant forget about the cake!
-I know!!!-Shouted Desteny and Ellia at teh same time s they giggled and ran into Flame's house.
Later thta night when everybody left Desteny got up somewher around midnight, and shoog her head and sed "Just a bad dream" as she heared a howl and she looked out the window.
-What if i try to fly for onece?-Tought Desteny as she climbed up on the window.
-What are you doing?!-Asked Flame as she came into Desteny's room
Desteny felt somethign pulling her to the unknown
-Somethigs pulling me, Im sorry Flame, i need to go...-Destbsu pured as she spread out her wings and leaped into the air and dissaperd into the night.
At that moment Desteny fel a realy strong pain in herHeart and saw that she-wolf again looking back in tears and looking at her mother and saying something as she pread out her angel-like wings and flu of in the night.
-Wha?!-Destenu gasped as she continued flying.
A day later she rested next to a lake and she jumped into the watter wanting to catch some fish. As in that moment she had a flash-back of her mother standing frosen and Fleam standing whit ger head down while everything simed line caous in her vilade and then saw the wolf crying. Destbey shoot her eyes tight, saying this is NOT happening! But it was ,it starded when Destny left Flame.
Desteny got out the watter and continued flying. At dusk that day desteny decided to take a break and fount a cave in the mountains. Desteny got in there and slept for a while. Later that night she woke uo to find an angry bear growling up apon her. Desteny hished as the bear slaned her whit uts strong paw. Desteny hit the wall of the cave and got up and starded fighting the bear. The bear later on bite her by her Right side of her face abd tosed her tright the air. Desteny at that moment again saw the wolf beigh curked up crying in pain, but the wf wasent injured ,however she gad a gloom on her right side of the face like when Desteny cut herself. Desteny again shaked her head and bite the bear as hard as she could but then she saw that she cant beat it and she flu off. Days late Desteny's injury was healing but got infected. So she starded to walk on fiot trough a new forest it was colourfull but dense. Desteny puted her head down and continued walking as she bumpes into that wolf. Both jumped backwords and gasped.
-Youe the -cat-wolf!-They sed at the same time. Then Desteny stopd up and sed:
-Why was i seing you in flashbacks?!
-I dont know, why was I seeing YOU?!
-I dont know..
- Well im Dinasty!-Howled the wolf
-Im Desteny!-Desntehy replied So Desteny -
Sorry its so long!
but one had black dragon wings,
I’ve had ENOUGH with people copying my characters. Don’t even try to deny what you did.
Well. Sucks to be you. This will be great. -
And I just realised that not everything pasted correctly
So Desteny and Dinasty became friends. Dats passe deveryhting was ok, and then one day Desteny starded to cry, she used her powera for fun to hunt whit Dinasty, Desteny starded to bleed ,she had an injury on her shoulder Desteny whimperd.
-Hey whats wrong?!-Asked Dinasty
-I-I shoulden use my powers for anythig but helping...
-Hey ,well i shouldent usemy voice like that also! Its ok, there there ,everithign will be ok!-Sed Dinasty as she licked Destenys wound.
Desteny smiled. As she heard a bear in the distance.
The bear jumped out of a bush and starded to charge at Dinasty. Desteny jumped invetwwen them and starded to fight the bear.
-You will never heart my friend!-Sed Desteny as she starded to fight the bear.
The once shy and calm Destany now became angry and teritorial. She wa sfighting however she could dispute the pain. As once the bear bite Desteny so hard Desteny starded to whiper and the bear bite her by her chest. Dinasty tried to help but the bear tosed her trough the air and Dinasty hit The three. Then Dinasty remember her mothers wirds, "A kit carries and omen like you, but it can only be broken by one fisking themself for a nother". And rememberd the words of the elder wolf: "The cure of the pain is an omen reaiied byt the kit whos your sisther, but remeber to know how to deal whit that curse!" Dinasty whisperd "You are saving me...." as the bear tosed Desteny in the ari and left. Desteby fel to the ground and looked at Dinasty. Dinasty rushed to Desteny and sed:
-You suffer ao much like me, and youre my sister.Why didnt you tell me?
-Because then we couldent break the omen-Purred wakly Desteny
-Sis dont leave me!
-This wa sfor your own good, niw good bye sister... -Sed Desteny softly as she closed her eyes.
-No, no ,Desteny dont leave me!-Howled Dinasty trough tears.
Dinast starded to howl again and hut her nose on Destenys wound hoping to heal her, but she couldent.
As Dinasty was craying over desteby huging her body, Destenys spirit left into StarClan.
-Where am I, is this StarClan?!-Meowed Desteny
-Yes.- Replied a white and gray tabby she-cat
-You broke the omen sed a brown tom tabby.
-You didnt deserve to die...-Softly meowed a white cat whit gray ear tips and freckles.
-Sand her back!-Sed a black cat
-Bute Yellow...-The cats ware interupted
-I know that we only did this obce for a special cat and for a special reason, and that she died when she did what neede to be done, bur Desteny is Deferent!-Sed the black cat.
-Alright.-Replied the white-gray tabby. As ecerythign became white around Desteny and she fount her self next to Dinasty.
-Sis its me.-Sed Desteny weakly
-H-How?!-Asked Dinasty
-The stars..
-Oh, sis dont ever do that to me again!
-I wont!-Sed desteny as she huged Dinasty. Then Dinasty sed:
-If you can howl do what i do and we will sent a message to our families.
-Ok.-Sed Desteny as she done what Dinasty did.
That everning Dinasty and Desteny wen into a cave and huged eachother. And both sed the same thing in the sma e time:
-Im so glad youre my sister!-As they looked at eacother and smiled.
🌟End!🌟 -
@Cats- CATS CATS chill please :’) a car with black dragon songs does not copy your character, your character has much more to it than that. chargers can be alike without one person copying the other’s. i doubt she actually copied yours ^^
Yes true!
On FlipAnim i had a situation when i clicked random animation and it showed me a guys OC reef sheet whos OC looks alike mine, but i didnt even know that dude! xD -
Hermiony, if you ever try to speak to me again you’re either going to be ignored or going to regret it. I’m supposed to be on hiatus and that is where I’m returning. Me being on hiatus is not an excuse for anyone to steal my stuff. And for all I know you could be lying because I have never trusted you in the first place. -
3. Of id never lie!
6. Of BYE! -
your story is very nice hermiony :3
@Hermiony: Your OC's really unique :D
So is chur story! I've never seen a story like this, and it allows me to learn more about your countries' grammar ^-^
Keep et up :3
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