The Writings of a Failing Man
Thread Topic: The Writings of a Failing Man
Falling into the deepest pit of vile despair
I catch myself standing on the edge of madness, but the sun's rays reach me.
I'm reminded of those little things that keep me around
But they still amount to nothing in the eyes of others
I can't keep going down this road
The path is crooked and dark, but
The sun still reaches me
I can't be stuck on this road
My legs can propel me away from here -
shuffle, shuffle sounds my crawling pace
I can't bother lifting my feet
I have no will to reach another place
Empty smiles for empty words
Shrugging, drooping shoulders carry no feeling
Wiping off the board
Erasing my being -
A shadow is cast across the floor
There I sit in dismay
Dejected, dispirited, disconsolate
Those feelings are my three friends
We sit on the floor together.
The moon illuminates the room, revealing every secret this room hides
My blood stains the surfaces black.
This chamber is my reflection -
What am I to anyone?
Probably just a joke that doesn't end.
I keep giving material for you to gawk at and let loose your disgusting cackles.
I see the way you stare.
The judgement never ceases.
Twist the knife in further
You haven't hurt me enough -
Glittering light breaks through the curtains I forgot to close. How odd, how quaint.
This little marvel has me morose. This light brings such dismay I could just faint. Such beauty I cannot grasp, cannot behold.
This world is a wonder to some, but to me it should just unfold. -
I need to vary my syntax, these are such a dry read.
Sparkling wings on glistening skies, the wind teases
Untold truths are just the future's lies
Flying without purpose
I am nerveless
I am an angel with no place
Flying to my death with utmost haste -
The idiot and the fool who would cry
Meeting at the origin of life
Children of the opposing gods
A nostalgic month, a childhood dream
Many vacation days spent with many tears, laughter and pain
If they couldn't be, their worlds would shatter
The fool, daughter of the emerald goddess, and the idiot who would cry
Son of the god of endless sorrow
Seek their destiny at the origin of life
The sun dies, love is a fleeting dream -
How dare you curse the mother?
She nurtured the seeds of the children of man
Reprehensible cur, your breath will cease
Nihilistic tendencies anger Janne
The mother rains chaos upon you
One more child rejected -
Stirring venom
Toxic fumes bemuse
Making a toast for all
The sweetness reaches my lips
Belzabhoul is my witness
The venom leaves a warm residue
The devil's love taints me
In death I glower
Nightmares I devour -
drudey Newbieuh, dude, your poems are just like mine...
I write them as a coping mechanism, it works pretty well. Do you do the same?
Yeah, but at the same time theyre not much help and they make me feel worse.. know what I mean?
These feelings bubble, catastrophe and tragedy ride in on their horses of bone
Catastrophe extends his decaying hand, gripped in it is a chalice
I drink the blood of the lamb
Tragedy cackles
Some words float out of my mouth
"J'ai une ame solitaire"
The hideouse horsemen grin their macabre grimmaces
A buzzing fly whispers to me -
Maybe I should write something happy.
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