Difference in culture I've realised between Japan and here.
Thread Topic: Difference in culture I've realised between Japan and here.
Here are some:
People over here don't finish food and I found that weird and people in Japan would also find that rude. When I go over to someone else's house and they say I don't have to finish the dinner they give me, I find that weird.>Lots of people don't eat breakfast even though it's the most important meal of the day. In japan they have a lot for breakfast and don't have morning tea. I've also noticed people over here eat a lot of morning tea.
Parents over here are too soft. You may have heard that Japanese parents are strict and thats not wrong, but parents here are too soft. I remember fiends talking about how they got in trouble at school (like really badly) but their parents did not are at all. I used to think how my friends got away with such bad things, if Japanese children did things my friends got away with, they would be grounded for life!
I might post some more soon! -
Where is "here"?
I'd rather not share, but it's a western country. I knew someone would ask. LOL
Ok, I got some more:
In Japan, it is safe and much less unlikely to be murdered. But, people have high expectations and have to work hard so there is a lot of su!cide.>It's considered rude to walk and eat in Japan, lots of people still do it but there is a bit less litter. There still is quite a lot of litter though.
Japan is very cheap. I know there are dollar stores in most places, but most of the stuff isn't actually a dollar. In Japan there are 100 yen shops and most things are actually 100 yen (google what 100 yen is in your currency). Even in just convinient stores or supermarkets, you can get good things for 100 yen or big things for great prices. -
In Japan they are more clean. Over here, the thing everyone is told to do is wash your hands after using the toilet. In Japan, you are told to wash your hands after the toilet, before eating and even after going outside. You are also told to gargle water or green tea after going outside to get rid of any germs in your mouth.
In japan I got a whole sushi meal for what would get me three pieces of salmon in HK.Super cheap AND high quality food
(Thanks so much averagestudent for contributing!)
Fashion is slightly different. Over here, revealing clothes like crop tops and short, sorts are popular. In japan, crop tops are still common but long pants are more common than shorts, even on very hot days. -
I just want you guys to know anyone is welcome to post here :) Also, these are just from my own experiance so if you feel it's inaccurate, tell me please.
You guys can ask questions about Japan too :)
I don’t think you’re wrong,I just think that the long pants thing is like in a part of Japan.When I went thrifting in Harakuju during my trip to Japan a while ago,I was freezing in three layers while the Japanese people just walked around in crop tops and miniskirts.
Yeah, it probably is just in certain areas
one little tidbit i found interesting is that it's apparently really rude to stick your chopsticks into your food, especially pointing vertically. it's similar to wishing death on the chef or person eating with you since the shape of the chopsticks resemble a coffin. also, sticking your chopsticks into the food into the shape of an 'x' apparently symbolizes that you reject the dish
I heard that generally, people don't like renting out to Americans because they trash the place and don't clean it in a way that's acceptable in Japan.
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