chat its uzi doorman and I may or may not have not updated my password in the password manager so like I'm fr cooked and I don't know how to prove its me I don't have discord like chat I'm so cooked
y'all remember this account from when I said I was going to start over then changed my mind?
ughhhh how do I even prove myself brooooo
im going to email the contact gtq email in the mroning
hey there uzi! i'm so sorry this happened ://///
i've been trying to reach out to gtq guy in regards to a better password recovery and/or a two-factor authentication option but i've yet to hear back. as you know his appearances are once in a blue moon, but i'll let you know for sure if that changes unless he does himself
until then.. i'd retry all the old passwords you can think of, and physically write down new ones. other than that i'm not sure there's much else to be done, once again i'm really sorry -
yeah thats okay.
this isn't the first time ive had to make amends with losing an account here, so it makes sense
I got the password to my first account so I guess were all good!
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