Request Thread or Post Deletion
Thread Topic: Request Thread or Post Deletion
Trem, I deleted those two posts
The1ForU, mods can only delete so many threads a day before we have to wait until tomorrow. I can't really justify deleting a thread just because it's inactive. If you just ignore it, it will slowly be pushed down and lost. I can lock it if you want though -
Yeah locking is fine
can I please get the1foru's post deleted in the thread AGAIN? im gonna have to have a word with him since this is like the third time
thanks a ton sorry for the inconvenience
I keep forgetting what threads I am posting in 🤦♂️
Could you please delete The1ForU's first post on this page?
Thank you. -
Can I get all the posts on the last page of my thread deleted please?
https ://www .gotoquiz. com/ forum/offbeat /289636-casa-del-fuego /76/thread .html -
Each mod can only delete 3 posts a day, and there are 9 posts on that page. We don't want to use all of our deletes up all at once in case we need them for something else. If it's alright with you, we could delete them slowly over the next couple of days
Yeah that's fine. Thank you.
Sorry to ask, but what all can a mod do? I want to know just in case one day a whole lot of bad things happen and not all of it can be stopped?
Also, can you delete my teatime among us page in the lounge, I am sorry that I caused drama
I only locked it for now to prevent others commenting anything directed at teatime/withered or causing arguments in the thread! We can still delete it if you'd like, but I just thought I'd let you know you're not in trouble or anything haha
Thank you I am glad I am not in doodoo
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