List of General Site Improvement Suggestions
Thread Topic: List of General Site Improvement Suggestions
1. An automatic image importer. Instead of putting it in an image website you could just drag or select an image to put in.
2. Being able to use fonts and symbols, for names and just forum use
3. You know how the quizzes have themes? Maybe being able to use those themes for the forums too. Like if you want that fancy pink and black theme you can set it at that. -
The ability to @ someone.
a ban from thread thing
where you put a users name into the ban list and they can't post?
only in threads you create -
A way for mods to see every thread a user has made, locked or otherwise
Alright,guys,I can feel that we all kinda want some themes for the threads.Like,you create a thread and you can choose the theme.I feel like it would be cool.Then,every month or something we could host a drawing competition and make another theme.Iām probably wrong about everyone wanting it,so,yeah.But it would still be really cool :D
And we NEED to be able to change our usernames.PLEASE,GTQ Guy,PLEASE.
Active admin would be great
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