Should parents moniter their childs' dating issues???
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:15pm
Thread Topic: Should parents moniter their childs' dating issues???
Kish NoviceOk, so when ever i ask my friends who they intend to date,a lot of them have told me that it all depends on the parents. What i need to know is that, is it right for a parent to interfere about the child's dating stuff? Let me ask u this, who do you intend to date??? Are you going 2 give me the same answer as my friends? What is your oponion about parents monitering their child's date and stuff???
It doesn't depend on the parents, it depends on the child. If the kid is usually irresponsible (as with sex and whatnot) then maybe the parents should monitor. If the child is responsbile and maybe more mature (and able to handle the stuff that comes with dating), then they should ease back. But really, in the end, it's the child's choice on what they want to do. Which is weird, becasue I also say a kid shouldn't rush off and start dating too early, because then they'll make the wrong decisions involving sex and relationships too early in their life.
But that's my opinion. -
Kish NoviceYeah, i have also been saying that theres no hurry 2 date and yeah, it may be the kids decision, but at times perhaps parents are the best solution when it comes 2 dating. Most kids these days aren't as open as they should be with their parents, so the parents may not know how responsible he/she is when it comes to dating. All im saying is that parents know whats good for u if u are open 2 them, they shoudn't control who you date, but rather tell u what they think of your date!!!
I agree with TBK. If the kid wants to dats at a young age, then their parents should moniter them until they're old enough to date on thier own.
Kish NoviceBut seriously, guys, no parent allows the child to date at a young age, and these days there is no such thing as too young 2 date! So what age is the young age?
I agree with TBK too.
The "young age" would be about 11 and anything below... But really it depends on the maturity of the kid.
tima Novicei agree w/ tbk on diz one
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