Where the magic happens
Thread Topic: Where the magic happens
Welcome to my art thread!
Here, I will post my artwork 😀
You can put feedback, but please don't flood this thread. I often do sketches, sometimes I do edits using the app Gacha Club. -
Here's my main OC, LittleNerd. I used Gacha Club to make her, and I think she turned out well. -
This is Natsuki, an OC I'm using in a roleplay I'm doing with AlexFierrro.
Also made with Gacha Club. -
A sketch I did 🙃
I like how it turned out, but the hands are bothering me 🤣 -
I wish the colours could've been bolder, but I know that if I try and add more to it I'll just f--- it up 🤣 -
An old drawing I did, not quite sure what I was thinking 🤣
I hate the halo, but I think the face and body looks good. -
It's not working i can't see ot
It works for me.
Can you see the other images? -
Suggestions would be appreciated, also 😊
says img.bb image not found D: u should try using postimg
Lemme try again one sec... -
Sketch one:
free picture hosting -
Please tell me it works 😭
Looks rrally good! Love the way the fabric folds
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