Kitkat's Art Thread
Thread Topic: Kitkat's Art Thread
I'll post some art later lol -
Feedback? Critique? Comments, questions? No? Okay.
you're gay
Oreos: I really love how clean your coloring is, if that makes sense. Your art is cute and amazing!
The Dude: Thank you for stating the truth of the matter.
Kookie: Thank you sooo much! (I mean, I knew GTQ was pretty dead but it's a wasteland out here :')) Any critique?? -
Oreos: I would say due to the light colors the details are hard to pick up without closely taking a look at it. This can be a draw back if you want people to pay attention to the piece.
I would say the edges of the oc is a little too light, so you can't really distinguish certain limbs at first. You can try to use a darker color on the edges to make the details on her clear.
(Sorry if this doesn't make sense, I am tired haha) -
Bloop blop bump
Hey guys have an Instagram now if you wanna see some of the art that I post: 0mnicorn
Thats 0mnicorn with a zero, not the letter O uwu -
It's a shame that postimg doesn't work anymore, now a lot of my old art in this thread you can't even see šš
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