Does anyone here actually like Austria x Prussia?
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:17pm
Thread Topic: Does anyone here actually like Austria x Prussia?
Fern: Hmhmhm. :3 Kicking ass.
Shut up. >.>' You're the one that lost to America.
Fern: Callate. -_-' -
Italy: America's going down the toilet...
Prussia: I still exist! But Russia turned me into a tiny island. D: -
So is Mexico.
Fern: Shut up. >.>' Once we get through the drug wars, I will attack America next.
Good for you Prussia. -
Prussia: He pushed all my people onto an island...
Fern: Russia did? Oh, Dios..
Nah I think Germany did.
Prussia: *thinking* ...I can't remember now. ;-; -
I have a feeling it was Germany, France, or Spain. e_e' I dunno why.
Fern: That's terrible. Nobody deserves that type of crap. -
Germany weakened you. Then Russia finished the job.
Prussia: ;~; -
Wooowww. ._.' That sounds so damn dramatic.
Fern: ;-; Lo siento. -
I feel so bad for being mean to you, Gilbert. ;.;
Prussia: Iz okay...I just want Matt now... -
Fern: Eh?
Fern: T_T' I'm sorry for being mean to you, too, Prussia. Espero que puedemos ser amigos. xP
And I sorry about you missed Matthew, Pruss. D: -
Prussia: I'm gonna go sleep...
Italy: *hugs* I'll wake you when he returns, Gilly.
Prussia: *hugs back* Thank you. -
Fern: Descanza bien..
Don't you spell it with an s..?
Fern: Not time for arguments. xP -
Fern: :> Revived.
Stop acting all happy.. You're just happy 'cuz you're a b----..
Fern: :> I see no reason not to smile today~
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