Football quiz postion

Football is an amazing sport, well at least to me. But if you play, it can be very enjoyable for you, too. Stay healthy out there, and I hope you have fun!

Football is not soccer soccer where you can't touch the ball. Soccer is not as good as football to me. I love football, I know I just started playing the sport, but I'm so good at it I feel like a pro.

Created by: treyday12
  1. What is your 40 yard dash time?
  2. Who are your favorite old timers?
  3. Who is your favorite player?
  4. What's your favorite position?
  5. If you get the game winning score?
  6. How will you prevent from being tackled?
  7. How can you stop a big guy?
  8. What's you favorite #?
  9. How would you become a game changer?
  10. How much you weigh?

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