Finding My Rose Color | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Finding My Rose Color.

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  • Your Result: Pink Rose

    You can be very emotional; not necessarily in a bad way, but you wouldn't get along well with a black rose either. You're in tune to other people, and you'd make an excellent therapist. You're always willing to give advice, and can easily put your own feelings aside for others. You're that little white cloud mixed with a bunch of grays, and possibly some blacks. You find quiet very relaxing, and you love to reminisce to the way back when. You can be very appealing to others; though finding the right guy/girl may be difficult. You don't care about what others think of you, and you certainly know how to lighten a day. You're black-and-white, but not dully--I'd even consider you to be green-and-white, a very vibrant person indeed.

    so true =)(

    Christs Child
  • Finding My Rose Color
    Your Result: Red Rose

    You're a bit on the serious side, and you tend to be assertive, yet lack aggression. You are a peace lover, and you don't like getting into fights or arguments. You're most likely very in tune with the Here-and-Now scene. Chances are, you're a very average mind. Many people, including myself {no offense}, see you as a black-and-white kind of person, whos mask is easy to see through.

    Black Rose
    White Rose
    Yellow Rose
    Pink Rose

    I am a red rose, in fact that was my previous gtq account name.

  • i got 93% "Black Rose"

    You are definitely serious about everything. You're aggressive, and you love a good fight so you can pop 'em one right in the nose, and you don't care about others a whole bit. You hate what you might consider a "prep", and you often threaten people. You lack seeing the purpose in life, and you go around moping everywhere, you grouch. You need a good kick in the rear to get going, and not even your parents may be able to accomplish that. You wear no mask, seeing as you think everyone should just die. Well, that part may not be true, but you are a big grump, and people easily make a true first impression. Black-and-white is your thing, and for some reason you might like blood. =/

    and yes i LOVE blood i alwase win i fight and yes i HATE most ppl cool quiz. :\


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