violet679's Profile

Joined on Feb 19, 2016
Status Level: Novice
violet679's Quizzes
- DONT CLICK HERE![published: Mar 04, 2016]
well its random and wierd so i dont know what to say but that and it needs 150 letters i mean who does that! im……
- how much do you know about akame ga kill![published: Feb 23, 2016, 1 comment]
There are many akame ga kill fans, but few true fans. a true fan is, afterall, quite……
- i WILL guess you gender[published: Feb 20, 2016, 4 comments]
i know i can guess your gender and if i get it wrong ill scream im a dunder head oh and the next……
- would i date you (guys only)[published: Feb 19, 2016, 2 comments]
um im 13 and i just want to know if theres some ppl out there who would date me and right now im……
- THE ULTRA SONIC BOOM QUIZ!!![published: Feb 18, 2016]
alot of people love sonic boom and a bunch know sonic boom but do you know the details well just……
- which basic pokemon are you?[published: Feb 15, 2016]
many pokemon fans wonder if thay would be charmander squirtle or bulbasur the three starter pokemon……
- funny quiz idk ;D[published: Feb 11, 2016]
i dont know its a emoji thing idk i just got bored so ya the quiz may be fun so just take the quiz and have……
- would shadow or sonic date you[published: Feb 10, 2016, 3 comments]
this is a quiz for valentines day the day of romance and love and meny girls may wonder if sonic……
- are you a true shadow the hedgehog fangirl[published: Feb 05, 2016]
hello im "violet the hedgehog" as you may know of my quiz "your date with shadow the……
- your date with shadow the hedgehog[published: Feb 04, 2016, 2 comments]
the's quiz will help you find out if shadow the hedgehog loves you or not, the's is one quiz……
- are you sonic shadow or silver?[published: Feb 02, 2016, 2 comments]
are you sonic shadow or silver is a quiz were you can take a sonic fast quiz and see who you are……
violet679's Recent Posts
"Hey James... my mom read the history of our talks and she said I can't be on gotoquiz anymore, I'm sorry but this might be the last you'll h..."
"i gtg bye"
"Newbie: Post time wait of 30 seconds, no benefits Novice: Post time wait of 30 seconds, able to have a profile picture Junio"
"ugh that link tells you all you need to know now im now fighting you right now im gona be a adult about this and leave"
"i so wanna ride that!"
"your welcome."
"lol thanks rose"
"go onto "how do you post pics and link websites" and go into darks link it will tell you"
"go onto this and go into darks link"
"hold on look in feedback and updates"
"should i just ignore him?"
"good a little pissed tho cuz of GOM"
"hey jeeshan"
violet679's Recent Quiz Comments
"trolling moron."
1 -
"wtf i got yes but i hate you and you hate me lol never you mother f---er."
1 -
"lol i got 88% Evil at heart.
my result: Whether you show it or not hide it well or not.You have an evil heart the reasons why…"
1 -
"lol did you get the joke yet??? it asks you if your male or female lol"
1 -
"i 86% got You got Good In Your Own Way~!
resultYou are a person that other people see as odd (much like me), but you have many…"
1 -
"i got 98% yah yah yah, maybe.
There be a chance lil' one that i might would do so, ai. Y'know. A chance. Maybe [^-^] yah yah yah.…"
1 -
"i got 95% yes
There is a good chance I would date you of we met. Still factors will effect it in the 32nd though. Not it's good.…"
1 -
"i got 100% Dark
You are a dark person and not a light person. You like helping other but only when you fell like it. You have…"
1 -
"lol i got 88%
You should become a king or queen because you probably want kids and a husband or a wife and you are probably…"
1 -
"lol i got 92% Model
You are beautiful but not to smart your blonde and blue eyes you never went to college because you never got…"