Find Your Dream Man

There are so many guys out there but which one is for you?Keep in mind sometimes the guy you least expect is the one that's wanted you all along but was scared to speak up

You will soon met your dream guy or maybe you already have but hey keep trying and going out of your way to find him don't let him be the one to go out of his way to find you if you want it to work you both have to work together

Created by: Brianna of Take A Quiz
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How tall does he have to be?
  2. Can he have kids?
  3. Dark hair or Light hair?
  4. Long hair,Short hair,or no hair
  5. What if he has a disease?Would you stay?
  6. Perfect 1st date
  7. Eye Color?
  8. Race
  9. Language
  10. animal
  11. Do you want and abusive man or no?

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Quiz topic: Find my Dream Man