Find out your element! Hopefully...

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So basically, this is my first quiz. If there are things spelt wrong, it's on purpose. I know that the quiz is short, but eh. If you aren't a middle schooler or aged even younger, you won't find my "Humor" funny. Just cringey.

Anyways, spare me the thought of kindergarteners playing this and close the tab you're playing on. If not, then enjoy wasting electricity you piece of- Nope. Goooood bye.

Created by: Hannah
  1. Where would you go on vacation?
  2. Okay then? So, what do you like to do in your spare time?
  3. Mkay, next question. If you had one wish, what would it be?
  4. OKIE THEN SECOND TO LAST QUESTION. What's your spirit aminal?
  5. Last question! So. Did you like my quiz?
  6. Lol I lied. Not the last question. Pick a cup with a drink.
  7. So, what do you eat with your drink?
  8. Ooookay? Now, how do you feel about school?
  9. So, if you had a pet, what would you name Him/Her?
  10. FINAL QUESTION!! What did you like about this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Find out my element! Hopefully... You can find more quizzes like this one in our Elemental Quiz category.
