Feline or canine therian??

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Remember this it's just a quiz, but I hope it helps you The secret third opinion exist!! Art is mineUgftyidtrusurtzgchckhnkckhgcdfyjdutfsutrsfyixygkxkhgchigxifysutrstridijhgdihgdjyfstyi

My english it's trash you can follow me on Pinterest,my name is alienmushroom ghiffiytdftusxvihcvkhfcyixtetrxusytexsutyfdiyfdx xfyidiyfditydfotu tyreiytfhgkcftsw strict idryssrtiduogcfysstcviytfdytisuritfxtydtyi

Created by: Alienmushroom
  1. Do you like crowds of people?
  2. Do you do vocals? (Like sound of animals when yo have strong emotion)?
  3. What do you prefer?
  4. What do you do on your free time?
  5. You see someone you know what do you do?
  6. You see a possible prey, what do you do?
  7. You can choose an Emoji what do you like more?
  8. What phantom shift you had? ( an animal part you feel on your body)
  9. Do you like meat
  10. What do you think you are??

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