exactly why are you taking this quiz?

Hi im bryan ive decdied to make my own quiz like everyone else im bored..do you can kind of guess why ive chose the title that i did. Well hope you enjoy it

In this quiz i will ask you questions that wont sound so relevant but believe me they are. Just take the quiz and you will find out for yourself......

Created by: bryan mares
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Your bored at home alone what do you do?
  2. ( " °~°)
  3. If you were an animal what would you be?
  4. Do you like this quiz?
  5. How many friends do you have?(family doesnt count)
  6. The questions im asking may not sound relevant to the title,but they are. do you believe me?
  7. When wad the last time you were happy?
  8. On a scale of 1-10. How bored are you?
  9. If you had one wish. What would it be?
  10. If you are a male or female you must answer this question.why are you here?
  11. What would you say/do if i said this is the last question?
  12. Last question..are you going to look at my new quizzes that i make?

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Quiz topic: Exactly why am I taking this quiz?