Ethan's Game of Thrones Tough Quiz

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How much do you know about the world of Ice and Fire? Although Game of Thrones was a cultural phenomenon, only the most devoted fans look further into the lore and find out facts of this calibre. Let's see how many you know!

Much of the knowledge present in this quiz can't be obtained just by watching the show. You'll need to have done extra research to get a high score in this quiz.

Created by: 4cqker
  1. "Old Wyk" Is an Island located in which area of the world?
  2. Which of these is the correct House Words for House Tully?
  3. Which of these is NOT the name of a historical Baratheon Lord?
  4. "I will not fight you, nor will I kneel to you. Dorne has no king. Tell your brother that." Who said this?
  5. Which of these best describes the Sigil of the Kingsguard?
  6. In "The Hedge Knight", Duncan the Tall sells a horse for what price?
  7. The Wall stretches from one landmark to another. What is the correct pair of labels for these landmarks?
  8. The House of Black and White has a unique door. One side is constructed out of Weirwood. The other side is made of what?
  9. Which of these swords has never been used to kill a named character?
  10. Which of these is not an aspect of the New God?
  11. Ser Otto Hightower was Hand of the King to which of these Historical Rulers?
  12. The House of the Undying is located in which city?
  13. The Heraldry of House Clegane depicts what three animals?
  14. Tycho Nestoris is associated with what organization?
  15. Which of these real-life societies did not influence the creation of the Dothraki?

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