Eternal Nightmare part 2

This is the second Eternal nightmare story. You find out why it is called that. Hopefully you like this. If you don't comment and tell me why. Also please rate.

Recap- Your name is Sylvia. You have powers. Three boys just attacked you. Guy one with black hair and blue eyes is Zach. Buy two with brown hair and chocolate eyes is Joseph. Guy three with blonde har and green eyes is Ethan. Enjoy

Created by: amethystfire

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Recap the blue eyed boy snapped his fingers... Suddenly you found yourself standing in a giant room full of books. The green eyed muscly boy forced you down into a chair and chained your arms together. You tried to fight him, but couldn't get away. When he was done he stepped back and stood with the other two boys. The one with the brown eyes who you gave a bloody nose looked at the blue eyes one and said, "Um, Zach? Little help?" Zach reached over and touched the brown eye'd one's nose. Immediately the bleeding stopped and the nose straightened itself. You thought...
  2. All three boys stared at you. You continued to struggle against your chains but they didn't break even when you used your powers. "Nice try Sylvia," said the blond one, "but you can't break those chains. You need to calm down. We won't hurt you but you need to listen. You have powers." You think...
  3. "Tell me something I don't know," you say. "Alright," said brown eyes. "My name is Joseph and these are my brothers, Zach (Black hair blue eyes), and Ethan (Blond with green eyes). If you already know that you have powers what are they?" You rolled your eyes and replied, "Telepathy, force fields, controling plants, and light. What are yours?" Joseph glanced at his brothers but before he could reply Ethan said, "I have strength and can control fire. Zach as you saw can teleport, heal and create light. Joseph has super smarts and telepathy like you." What is your reaction?
  4. "Fine," you say. "So why did you kidnap me beside the fact that I have powers." "Because your in danger," Zach turned the full power of his eyes on you. Whether you like him or not those ice blue eyes made your heart ache. You shook yourself mentally. "Sylvia," Joseph asked tentatively. "Do you know where you are?" You shook your head. "Your in the land of light," Ethan told you. "Or at least that's what it used to be."
  5. Zach snorted, "It's like this beautiful. A few hundred years ago a demon took over the land of light. Now it the land of eternal darkness or nightmares. We think your the only one who has light pure enough to save this realm. I've tried. All of us with the power of light have, but we've all failed." You consider this for a moment. "Alright fine. If I promise to help you will you let me out of this chair?" The boys nod. Ethan quickly pulls the chains off your arms. Thanks, you say. You stand up fluidly and all the boys stare at you. "Stop drooling," you snap. Joseph blinks and looks away. Ethan smiles but does the same. Zach keeps looking at you. "Why shouldn't I look at the most beautiful thing in the unverse?" he asks smirking.
  6. You look away from Zach and start towards the only exit in the room. Ethan steps in front of you. "I'll show you to your room," he says.
  7. Whatever you want Ethan takes you anyways. You walk up a huge spiral stair case, and past four doors before you reach your room. "Here you go, Sylvia," announces Ethan. "Thanks," you mumble. You step into the room and gasp. It is...
  8. Ethan follows you into the room. "I hope you like it, he says. "I... I love it," you manage. "It's beautiful!" "Just like you" Ethan says. He gently turns you to face him. Slowly he leans down and kisses you passionately on the lips. You try to fight him but he is too strong. "Your like no girl I've ever met," he said as he pulls away. He kisses you again and then leaves the room.
  9. You stare at the door for a moment. Then you realize how late it is. You look around and see and old wood wardrobe. There is a note on the front that says, Think of what you need the wear, open the doors and it will be there. You think hard of whatever you sleep in and you open the wardrobe and see whatever you thought of. You put it on and are about to turn off the light when you hear a soft knock on your door. Who do you want it to be?
  10. You open the door and Joseph walks in. "Can I talk to you for a minute?" he asks not looking at your face. "Sure," you say, "Come in!" Joseph steps into your room still looking at his shoes. "Look, Sylvia," he begins. You put you hand under his chin and lift it up so you can look into his beautiful intelligent brown eyes. "I... I have to... Zach didn't tell you the entire story. We know that you can save the land of light, but to do it you must choose someone to enhance your magic. There are only four people that can do this. Zach, Ethan, me, and the demon. You going to have to pick someone. I guess I just wanted to tell you because I really want you to pick me.
  11. "Your so beautiful," Joseph continued. "I wish I wasn't so shy." he stopped talking and his huge chocolate eyes looked at you. I love you, you heard in your mind. You step back shocked. Joseph grabbed your hand and pulled you closer. You were surprised at how strong he was. He gave you a quick kiss on your lips and then ran out the door.
  12. You stand there stunned for a moment before you go to sit on your bed. You fall asleep and dream about the boy you like most. Sometime during the middle of the night you wake up and here a strange squeek coming from your door. It bursts open and CLIFFHANGER!!!!!!!
  13. Please give suggestions as to what you want to happen next. Hope you like it. Rate?

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