Entwined Pt 1 | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz Entwined Pt 1.
This is REALLY impressive for your first quiz. Very detailed and dramatic, I feel like you have this all planned out already. The only real complaint I have is in one of the questions the whole thing repeats from when Mark came in. I don't know if the was a GTQ mishap (yeah it's not completely perfect), or if you forgot something but either way a little confusing. That's the only thing really, now the only thing left to do is let your imagination take you where ever you want. I trust this story is in good hands. I really love the title too, quite original. All in all, REALLY FREAKING AWESOME for a first timer. I'm pretty sure you've done some writing before though, no one starting out writing for the very first time could do this. However, if that's the case I apologize for my accusation. Anyways, I hope there's a part two and three and four and so on. This is probably the most promising start to a quiz series I've ever seen, especially for someone starting out.
How is this your first story quiz? :O it was awesome... and I do agree with angelic4, this did remind me of Elemental Love Story quite strongly. I'll be looking out for part 2!
OMG, SOOO DANG GOOD!!!! I loved it, can't wait for the next one and I absolutely LOVED how you made this super long :D next part please.
you should read Elememtal Love story, you reminded of it while i was reading this, next part
angelic41 -
Riley. Cool! ^^
I LOVED IT!!!! I can't wait till I read the next one!!!!!
Faith1 -
I LOVED IT!!!! I can't wait till I read the next one!!!!! I'm the first to comment woohoo!!!!
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