Eevee Quiz Ultimate! Gen 1-8

Idk what to say so here's random autocorrect words... You could be an expert with a guy. And you know how it works with you in a situation. But if they were on a side with your own opinion on you had you just thought about this? And it doesn't have anything else on this list and then they just thought about it.

Same story here I'm sorry. The one who can change your mind about the first two things are made for that you are amazing at all and you know what is the most fun part about!..! You can be the first guy to look forward. The best part for you just to find the game in your game being played. Pure magic.

Created by: Magikgamer
  1. What type is eevee?
  2. How many eeveelutions, including eevee?
  3. When was eevee introduced?
  4. Jolteon type?
  5. Flareon type?
  6. Vaporeon type?
  7. Espeon type?
  8. Umbreon (my fave) type?
  9. Leafeon type?
  10. Glaceon type?
  11. Sylveon type?
  12. Pokedex number?
  13. Pokedex ultra moon?

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