Easy maths quiz

This maths quiz is exceptionally easy. however if you don't know your maths then it could be quite tricky. Can you complete it? Can you consider yourself a maths genius?

If you take the quiz then in just a couple of minutes you will find out If you are a true maths genius or need to work on your maths a bit more. So what are you waiting for? Take the test to find out!

Created by: Quizzer
  1. The square root of 64
  2. 100-30=
  3. 1x1=
  4. If i have 24 sweets and i give my friend 8 of them how many do i have?
  5. 9x9=
  6. I have £80 and I want to buy some shoes that cost £100 so how much more money do i need?
  7. 9+9=
  8. 6+11=
  9. 42-31=
  10. 2x2=

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