year 3s maths quiz

this is a quiz for 7 year olds who like to do mathematics . it is fun and fun and easy to do and very quick . 7 year olds find it really easy . it is an awesome quiz

this is the best quiz in the world and 7 year olds find it very easy to do as it is suitable for theyre age and its doesnt take long at all . i hope you enjoy taking part .

Created by: meisha
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is 6x7 ?
  2. if a man has 15 envelopes , and he divides them between 5 people how many does the man get ?
  3. times 6 by 4 . and then add 2 . what is the answer ?
  4. what is 4x5 ? and then add 2 ? what is the answer ?
  5. if meisha has 10 sweets and she shares them with kayla how much will she have ? but then kayla doesnt eat 2 . how many sweets does kayla have ?
  6. if kayla has 14 chocalate bars and meisha gives her 7 , how many chocolate bars will she have ?
  7. what is 18- 7
  8. what is 9x8 ?
  9. 6 x3?
  10. if meisha has 12 boxes and kayla gets inside 4 of them , how many boxes didnt kayla get into ?

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