E. V. O Search For Eden Quiz!

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Ok its a not really known game and this quiz is for trolls so that is pretty cool. Only Impossible quiz pros will know these question(or you will get lucky).

Are YOU BOSS DO YOU KNOW THIS GAME IF YOU DO COME TO ME TO SEE YOUR Intellegence :P. But to find out if you are smart you have to be a fox. You know what I mean in a second after the quiz.

Created by: 1512255555954442
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Monkey humans exist?
  2. Monkey humans exist?
  3. What are sharks called?
  4. Is queen bee harder than king bee?
  5. King kuraselache harder tha zinichthy?
  6. Is the dinosaur character a reptille?
  7. What has bolbox evolved from?
  8. Which boss is easier?
  9. In which chapter are you good?
  10. Which boss is harder?

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