dreams do come true 1D story part4

Here's part four of the dreams do come true story. I hope you enjoy. please comment and rate. No hate though please. smooches!!!!!!!!!!!!! stay lovely!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have no clue what to say on this. i never really do lol. but you guys know what to do anyways, so i wont waste your time making you all read this. smooches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! stay lovely!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Created by: kiarra

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Everything went so quiet, you could hear a pin drop. Niall spit out his soda, Louis choked on his carrot, and me, Zayn, and my friend's eyes were huge. "I knew I shouldn't have said anything." Harry said. He got up, stomped up to his room, and slammed the door. "Ummmmm, well this is akward." Louis said. "I know." I mumbled. "Go talk to him." my friend said. "I can't. He probably hates me now." "Just go and talk to him." my friend said. "ok." I made it to his room and knocked on his door. "Leave me alone." Harry said. "Harry, its me. Can we talk about this?" I asked. "Come in."
  2. "Harry about what you said down there..." "You don't need to say it. I know you don't feel the same way." he said. "I wasn't gonna say that. I was gonna tell you that I feel the same way." I said "So, you like me?" "Yea." I said. Suddenly, out of no where, he kissed me. I felt thousands of sparks fly everywhere. "Will you be my girlfriend?" he asked. "Of course I will." After that, we went back downstairs hand in hand. "Look at the happy couple." Niall said. "Oh I just love happy endings." Louis said.
  3. 2 months later Everything is perfect between me and Harry. He is the best boyfriend a girl can have. "Hey babe." Harry said. "Hi." i said giving him a peck on the lips. "Morning everyone." I shouted. I went and sat on the couch next to Liam who was watching tv. "Turn on spongebob please." I said. "I dont wanna see spongebob right now." Liam said. "Please." I whined giving him the puppy eyes. "Fine." he sighed. "thank you." "I did it for the puppy eyes but you're welcome." After a marathon of spongebob Harry had to go. My friend came down with Zayn. "Hiya. where's Harry?" my friend asked. "he went out." i said. "Oh." "Well imma go to bed." I said."Ok goodnight."
  4. An hour later "Im hungry." i said. "Me too."Niall said. "Wanna go get something to eat?" I asked. "Yes." "ok. lets go eating buddy." "Where do you wanna go?" Niall asked. "Mcdonalds." i said. "ok." "What would you like to order?" the cashier asked. "two big mac meals." i ordered. After we paid and got the food, we found a seat and ate. I ended up beating Niall eating. "Wheres your food?" Niall asked. "In my stomach."i said "wow." While we were laughing, Niall's eyes got big. "What's wrong?" I asked turning around. Then i saw what he was looking at and i couldnt believe it. Harry making out with another girl.
  5. I couldn't believe it. I walked out of mcdonalds and walked straight up to them. "I thought you were going to the store." I snapped. "Who is this?" the girl asked. "Im his girlfriend. Who are you?" "You're his girlfriend? Wow thats so sad. He could do so much better." the girl said. "Look, I don't know what your problem is but you need to shut up before I make you." I snapped. She went silent."I can't believe you harry. After everything we did together, you go and cheat on me with some girl you found?" "Kiki, I can explain." Harry said. "Dont even try because there is nothing you can say to make me forgive you." i said. "Please kiki." Harry said. "No. Have fun with your new girlfriend because we're through." After that, I walked away not shedding one tear."Are you ok?" Niall asked. "Im fine. take me home."
  6. With that, we drove in silence. When we made it home, everyone was waiting for us. "What's wrong?" my friend asked "Nothing." i said. "Did you see Harry?" liam asked "Yea" i said. "Well what happened?" zayn asked. "We're through." i said stomping up the stairs. "What? Why?" louis asked. "Saw him making out with another girl at mcdonalds. With that, I closed my door and almost cried myself to sleep until I heard a soft knock on the door.
  7. "Kiki, answer the door. its me." Niall said. I trudged over and opened the door. "What do you want?" I asked. "I just wanted to say Im sorry for what happened." "Dont be." i said. "I just fall for the wrong guys." my voice cracked and i was on the verge of tears. "I just loved him soo much." i cried. Niall pulled me into a hug. "Dont cry. He's not worth it. It's his loss that he won't have a beautiful girl like you anymore." he said. "Really?" i said blushing. "Yea. Go to bed. You're tired." he said. "ok. but can you lay with me?" i asked. "Why?" "Because when i was younger, anytime i was sad, my mother always layed with me so please." i said. "Fine." he said. I don't know why but anytime im with Niall, I feel safe. "Goodnight." i said. "night."
  8. cliffhanger.
  9. lots of drama
  10. comment
  11. rate

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