Drake And Josh Who Said It (GAME)

HOW TO PLAY: There are phrases from the show Drake And Josh. You have to pick who said the line. For example: "I got buns right here" The answer would be Megan so you would click that answer. Hope you like it!

Yes I was bored to I decided to make a game not a quiz. If you are a fan of Drake And Josh then you should play this game. HOW TO PLAY: There are phrases from the show Drake And Josh. You have to pick who said the line. For example: "I got buns right here" The answer would be Megan so you would click that answer. Hope you like it!

Created by: a person
  1. "You have smashed the window of tranquility"
  2. "Someone call a doctor!"
  3. "Those dumb boobs.."
  4. "Dora don't ask me! Your the one with the map!"
  5. "You just HAD to go pee!"
  6. "Stop picking in Mrs.Hayfers drawers"
  7. "Your pong is no match for my ping"
  9. "Oh Robert! Don't eat daddy!"
  10. "Can you bring me back a snow con?"

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