Dr. Kumar vs. Trott--Who do you side with?

Dr. Anil Kumar is running for Congress against Dave Trott, but do you know where the candidates stand on the important issues? Take this quiz to find out!

Do you support legalizing gay marriage? Do you believe abortion should be outlawed? Dr. Anil Kumar and Dave Trott are competing in Michigan's 11th Congressional district. Be an informed voter this November!

Created by: Youngvoter1

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  1. Do you support gay marriage?
  2. Do you believe that abortion should be criminalized?
  3. Do you believe that marijuana use should be criminalized?
  4. Should businesses be able to deny services to LGBT people based on religious beliefs?
  5. Should gay couples have the same adoption rights as straight couples?
  6. Should the government continue to fund Planned Parenthood?
  7. Do you support Donald Trump?
  8. Should new laws be passed to reduce the influence of money in politics?
  9. Do you support reducing funding for college grants?
  10. Do you support immigration reform that would allow families with American citizens to stay together?
  11. Should insurance companies be allowed to charge more based on pre-existing conditions?

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Quiz topic: Dr. Kumar vs. Trott--Who do I side with?