Door game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So basically a door game is a game where you pick a number, and get an answer based off the number you chose. Just like opening a door!¡!!!!!!¡!!!!!!!

So you will live your door game life. Check out my other quizzes! I made Scarlette academy which you will see in the "new quizzes" - created by Akiko Neko

Created by: Akiko Neko
  1. Hey so.... Door game! You basically pick a number and see what it means :) First one: your gender!!!
  2. 1: female 2: male 3: nonbinary Next: your name!
  3. 1: sora 2: justice 3: blake 4: phoenix next: house!!!!!!
  4. 1: homeless 2: condo 3: mansion 4: cottage 5: cheap apartment next: your kids!!!
  5. 1: no kids 2: unborn kids 3: babies 4: triplet girls 5: teens 6: toddlers next: everyone's favourite part! Pets!
  6. 1: parakeets 2: dog 3: Cat 4: rabbit 5: no pets next: your job!!!!!!!!!
  7. 1: doctor 2: chef 3: maid 4: unemployed next: mental disorders (heh heh)
  8. 1: bipolar 2: depression 3: schizophrenia 4: none NEXT: a place to travel tooooooooooo!!!!!
  9. 1: japan 2: canada 3: germany 4: the local mcdonalds 5: korea NEXT: what language to learn :)
  10. 1: french 2: swahili 3: cat language next: how u DIE (heh heh heh)
  11. 1: drowning 2: old age 3: f u i'm immortal 4: fire 🔥 5: eaten by a puma Did u like meh quiz?

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