Does your crush (who you don't talk to) like you?

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Now that I'm thinking about it, this quiz is actually pretty accurate. All the stuff in here is based on things that have to me, you know, teen girl stuff *one sided high five*.

Answer this quiz honestly, don't put in what's not real to get what YOU want instead of the truth. If you get maybe or they don't like me, don't be sad it's just a quiz, and you WILL find someone someday, I know it!But it you do feel sad, listen to Can't You See Me by TXT, it's greatπŸ’œ

Created by: Jinju
  1. Does he look what you, even just glances, or have you ever caught him staring at you?
  2. Does he ever point at you... With a knife maybe? No? Just me? Ok...
  3. When you're with a group of friends does he ever look at you?
  4. Here's a few random questions to waste time sorry, it won't affect results :KPOP?
  5. Tomorrow x Together?
  6. Kickflip?
  7. BTS
  8. 24K
  9. Stray Kids?
  10. Seventeen
  11. Ok, back to the quiz, for sports related things or games, does he always pick you before you even say you picked him?
  12. How many things do you have in common that he's mentioned?
  13. Had he ever passed you and touched you, even just with his arm, acting like nothing happened even though there was more space?!?!
  14. Has he ever leant against one of you're things?
  15. Has he ever offered something, food or sweets for example?
  16. Have you ever bought him something and he's accepted it?
  17. When you call his name, does he answer or then his head immediately?
  18. Has he ever cheered you on???
  19. Good luck with them!!!Bye!!!πŸ’œ

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Quiz topic: Does my crush (who you don't talk to) like you?
