Does your crush likes you back

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Why dont you rate it a 5 star bestie listen you are so beautiful i am jealous ahhhhh how can someone be so beautiful))do u mind these if you then please no));×£-_4&"#¥-÷^÷:#*

Can you drop a comment bestie love you and your name is so beautiful i love it €££×¥^÷*$€÷,$;'%*÷ dont mind thes dots i had nothingin mind to write.

Created by: Maham
  1. Is he friends with u?
  2. Do you ever see him looking at you but when u look at him he looks away?
  3. Do he find ways to talk to u
  4. What is ur core
  5. Ur hair type
  6. Ur country
  7. What is your skin type
  8. Where u started loving him
  9. What do you think about him
  10. What do you think about ur results

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Quiz topic: Does my crush likes you back
