Does your crush like you back?

This quiz will determine if your crush does like you back. It may not be 100% accurate though. Good luck with your results! Hope you enjoy this quiz! ( 10 questions)

Have fun taking this quiz! It may not be 100 percent accurate though. This quiz is just for fun! Don't take it too seriously though! Again have fun!!!

Created by: Niki
  1. How old are you?
  2. Are you friends?
  3. how many years have you known your crush?
  4. does he/she/they like hanging out with you?
  5. how often do you talk?
  6. does your crush smile when talking to you?
  7. do they try to make you laugh?
  8. do they go out of their way to hang out/ talk with you?
  9. do they try to hug you, play with your hair, hold your hand, etc.
  10. do they talk about you to their friends?

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Quiz topic: Does my crush like you back?
