So. You see him/her and you love their body form, their voice, their everything!!!!!!! You want them. Maybe you have them, maybe you don't....... but yet you still wonder.

Is your love PERFECT for you? Or do you need to find someone else? Until now you could only wonder. But soon enough, you will find out, thanks to this epic quiz made by ME!

Created by: Hazel
  1. Does he/she ever smile at you??
  2. Has he/she asked you to dance or asked you out?
  3. Have you ever caught he/she staring at you?
  4. How often do you guys have physical contact??
  5. Have you guys ever kissed(cheek or lip i don't care)?
  6. Do you think he/she likes you? BE HONEST HERE!
  7. Does he/she ever blush around you?
  8. ok I'm running out of ideas........(this question won't affect ur results don't worry)
  10. LAST QUESTION!!! Does he/she hang out with other girls/boys other than u?

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Quiz topic: DOES my CRUSH LIKE YOU