does your crush like you?!?

in this quiz you will be able to see if your crush likes you!!! Be honest in this quiz. Don't be so harsh on yourself... They might totally like you!!

all you have to do is answer the questions then press submit, after you press submit it will transfer you to the result page... where you can see if your crush likes you or not..

Created by: yeeet of does my crush like me
(your link here more info)
  1. Does he/she stare at you?!
  2. Do you talk much out of school?!?
  3. when you talk does he/she look into your beautiful eyes?!?
  4. Are you friends?!?
  5. on a scale 1-5 ( 5 being in love, and 1 i hate him so much) also 2.5 is half...
  6. Do you text?!?
  7. Does he know you exist?
  8. How long have you known each other?!?
  9. Does he/she try to be in your conversations or even stand close to you?
  10. Last question... Do you think he likes you?!?

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Quiz topic: Does my crush like you?!?
