Does your crush feel the same?

Are you crushing on someone and you don't know how they feel about you? Take this quiz already, I'm sure after this short quiz you'll have your answer!

Do you want to know how your crush feels about YOU?Now you can finally know for sure!Take this quiz and in a short couple of minuets you will finally know!

Created by: Jamie

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How long have you know your crush?
  2. If he sees you he usually...
  3. Does he know how you feel about him?
  4. How long have you liked him?
  5. Is your crush your friend?
  6. What is the most contact you've had together?
  7. What is his relationship status?
  8. What about your crush do you like?
  9. Who typically starts the conversations?

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Quiz topic: Does my crush feel the same?