Does your bf care about you

Hi this is me did u like ever feel that your boyfriend was cheating on you did you ever feel like he cared but also for someone else or did you feel that he thinks ur his queen

If you have felt that way in the past year or so than you will want to take my quiz I hope that you will enjoy and not go through a broken heart I hope it won't come to that but if this has happened or you are afraid it will happen then you will want to take my quiz

Created by: Karinamo
  1. Does he walk by with no comment
  2. Do you get in fights
  3. Do his friends matter more to him than you
  4. Dose he say he cares about you
  5. When and if you fight dose he not talk to you
  6. Why did you take this quiz
  7. Will u rate
  8. Did u like
  9. Do u love each other
  10. Bye

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Quiz topic: Does my bf care about you
