Does Tsuki Like you?

It's just a quiz to see if Tsukishima Likes you! :) I thought this would be fun even though I haven't watched all of it yet ;-;.......................

What do you hope for? To not even meet? to only know his name and really talk to him? leave him for someone? Only dating? or would you like to be with him for the rest of your life?

Created by: Taylor
  1. What do you prefer?
  2. How would you describe yourself?
  3. Who is your favorite character in Haikyuu
  4. how do you feel about yamaguchi?
  5. how would you kiss him?
  6. What do you steal of his?
  7. If you saw Yamaguchi you would
  8. What is a nickname you have for him
  9. WHere is your first date?
  10. He his helping you practice for volleyball but he keeps looking at you and blushing, what do you do?

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