Does tattletail like you as a friend, more, or less?

Ever wondered how much tattletail would like you? Would he like you as a friend, more, or less? It is so confusing... wuh...I dunno what to do...😵😵😵

But you are in luck! This quiz will help you find out! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! Whoooooop, whooooooop, whooooop! Yeah-ya! Mmmmmmmmm! I like me better when i’m With you!

Created by: Cadey
  1. Have you played tattletail?
  2. What do you think of tattletail’s sisters, butternut and dewdrop?
  3. What do you think of mama?
  4. What do you think of tattletail’s friend, troubletail?
  5. Don’t tattle on me! Don’t tattle on meee! ‘Cause mama’s sleeping! And mama’s scary!
  6. Do you like pikachu?
  7. Pennywise is a big shcool bully
  8. C’mon everypony, smile, smile, smile! Fill my heart up with sunshine, sunshine!
  9. Bye!
  10. Chose random

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