Can you guess the video game song?

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Hey! This is my first quiz! It is a quiz to see if you know the songs of cuphead, batim, tattletail, And a whole bunch more. Blah blah (sorry if you hate mlp)

Please like; it took a while. Thanks.

Created by: Cadey
  1. Youve probably heard the rumors About this plucky little fella named cuphead! Hes coming to collect our souls for the devil So beware!
  2. They have sent you a letter To come back to home to play But to your dismay, this isnt your day For the happy Funtime has begun to fade
  3. I cant sleep, leap out of bed Creep down the hall, sneak down the steps Into the creepy creaky basement And destrictly peak at my gifts
  4. So your back Welcome to the ride of your life! Just keep away And your life will be present!
  5. Oooh oooh oooh oooh oooh Im trapped in my shcool-ool-ool-ool-ool
  6. Were waiting every night To finally roam and invite Newcomers to play with us For many years, weve been all alone
  7. Cant wait to meet you! So join the animatronic family We open real soon So try your best to hold on to sanity!
  8. I wish I could be the very best Like no one ever was
  9. Ok, lets change to mlp. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  10. When we were young, And so name, We didnt understand Our ow game.

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Quiz topic: Can I guess the video game song?
