Does she like you?

does she like me? does she like me? does she like me? does she like? is the question every boy asks... well, this is coming from a girl so, yer... GOOD LUCK!

does she like me? does she like me? does she like me? does she like? is the question every boy asks... well, this is coming from a girl so, yer... GOOD LUCK! yer

Created by: Emily Eve
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Has she ever looked at you and blushed or giggled?
  2. has she ever tripped or dones something for you to notice her?
  3. what colour hair do you have?
  4. You are___ she is___?
  5. do you really like her?
  6. Do you try and do math, english, science or work with her?
  7. do you try to impress her?
  8. do you think she's hot?
  9. do you like me? ... just bored ppl
  10. what did you think of this quiz?

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